Active Consciousness Newsletter -- October 2015


A Vehicle for Cultural Evolution

Two years ago, as I was mulling over the growing crisis of climate change, I realized that the only way we were going to have a desirable outcome was if we could inspire most young people to care and do something about it. And the only way that was going to happen was if most young people thought doing something about climate change and sustainability was cool and fun and positive. In other words, we needed a new worldwide "60s revolution" focused on these issues rather than on sex, drugs, rock and roll, and stopping war.

I came up with an idea for something I called LifePod. I wrote it up and sent it to a friend of mine who is a serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist. No response. In the world of Silicon Valley, apps for making our current way of living more convenient are what sells -- not fundamentally changing our way of living.

I put my LifePod idea on the backburner and forgot about it. Occasionally I'd mention it to young people I'd meet to get their reaction. Recently, I've gotten a bit more of a positive response. Maybe the time for LifePod is coming.

But I also realize that I am not the person to actually make LifePod happen. I'm an author who writes about evolving our consciousness and about alternative health, not a businesswoman or entrepreneur or activist. Still, I think this idea needs to see the light of day. So I thought I'd share it with you.

Please share my LifePod idea on all your social networks. Tell your friends. Maybe the right person will hear about it and make it happen. Maybe you will! Let's change the world!

A Vehicle for Cultural Evolution

Amy L. Lansky, PhD

There is a small but growing movement among young adults today that espouses what might be called sustainable living or "back to the land" values. Spurred by both financial necessity and an awareness of the imperatives of climate change, this group is embracing such activities as: growing their own food, raising animals like chickens and goats, learning skills like spinning wool, home cooking, natural home-based self-healthcare, fabricating clothing, building their own dwellings, sustainable energy creation and usage, and home-schooling of children. CONTINUE READING


Harvest the Past and Reseed the Future


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Don't forget to visit Amy's book websites:

Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy --

Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within --

and her blogs:
